Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Autobiography

My name is Kristopher.
I am brave, quiet, sneaky and boring.
Son of Mike and Michelle.
Brother of Kelvin, Kyle and Keo.
Loves video games, biking and TV.
Hates being poked at, losing a game or being grounded.
Who feels rage and frustrated when annoyed and feels joy when not.
Who needs more experience of gaming, more time for myself and less poking.
Who fears some horror games, my brother Kelvin and most things that kill me.
Who would like a Laboratory, a new computer and a new phone.
I come from Hamilton.
I live in Morrinsville.
My last name is David.


  1. Kristopher, I like the detail you have chosen to include in your autobiography poem. I have learnt a lot about you from reading it. A great first piece of writing.

  2. Kristopher I like how you included lot of detail. I found out a lot of thing about you from this writing.

  3. Kristopher I like your who fears and who needs sentences.

  4. I like your writing Kristopher. My star is: I like how you described your writing really well. My wish is: Tell us more about what your brothers do to you.
