Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Abseiling Report

Have you ever seen people walking off walls or cliffs and you just wanted to do it? Well, When you are Abseiling at Port Waikato, here’s some equipment, technique’s
and the location of where you are doing it. Follow these easy paragraphs of what you need, where to go and what to do because you’ll learn the fun of abseiling.

You’ll need equipment to get down the cliff, here’s some items you’ll need at your position. You need a harness which is like a belt to hook up your carabiner. A carabiner is a hook to connect your rope with the harness. A helmet is important because of falling rocks and a helper to help you get down to the end.

You have to start off from a cliff face when you’re in Port Waikato for abseiling. You may choose three positions when you see them. Here are three options you can choose from. The easiest is Baby Bear because it’s from a small height. The medium one is Mamma Bear cause your a little higher from baby bears size. And the most challenging one is Papa Bear cause the size is so high.

The technique is easy and safe when abseiling down. This will make you have a quicker way going down the cliff easier and safer so don’t panic when going abseiling. Firstly you need your legs space gap to keep your own balance or you’ll go falling with the rocks beside you. And secondly use your right hand and hold the rope and then hold at your back and your left hand has to be like a cowboy holding to its side of its belt with an upside down V. And the third one is easy, all you have you do is lean backwards


Abseiling will be an activity for you when you are at Port Waikato camp and now you can try with these safety rules.    

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