Friday, May 20, 2016

Mind map

This is a mind map.
A mind map is a helpful tool that can record your ideas easily.
In short it is your brain on paper.
We've been using this tool to help us write our writing in an organised way. 
The picture above is an example of what I did so far.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

2nd Xtramath Certificate

This is the next two subjects I've done

News Review

While reading the news, I came across a article about a backyard  DIY Roller coaster. The father and his family came home from a amusement park and their son thought why didn’t they built their own. I find this interesting, because I have never seen a D.I.Y roller coaster  in my life, and I felt surprised how it actually functions. This article makes think that why would they spend $3,500to just build a 180m long roller coaster. I wonder if other people were inspired by this. I just really like the way how they also add a 12 ft drop to add additional speed. I noticed they didn’t had the parts to lift the cart up the drop but they saved more money by lifting the cart with a long stick.